DRI: @Matt Plunkett

The Persona of a Foundation Teacher

As a Foundation teacher, tone matters — how can we treat our students like adults and create a culture of challenge and high expectations?

As a Foundation teacher, tone matters — how can we treat our students like adults and create a culture of challenge and high expectations?

Overview Training Video

A high-level overview of Foundation’s goals and context: the what, the how, and the why

A high-level overview of Foundation’s goals and context: the what, the how, and the why

Overall Goal

Instill within the students the Synthesis culture of becoming a Supercollaborator — one that values self-regulated civility and self-driven collaboration in service of solving complex problems.



13 weeks: 12 sessions and an Epilogue.

Overall Structure — two different games on six-week cycles.

Foundation introduces the students to two different games, each on a six session cycle.


Playing two different games provides an opportunity to practice the skills emphasized during Foundation — both in a long-term and a short-term feedback loop: introduce and practice the ideas/skills in the first three sessions; test those skills in a class-vs-class “Clash.” Then, use the results of that Clash to course-correct and execute improvements in a culminating rematch.

After the first cycle, students reflect, identify areas of growth, and work towards another opportunity to apply the desired skills. The iterative process becomes a cornerstone of Foundation — within a game; within a session; within themselves.

The idea of class vs. class clashes introduces a familiar “sports” structure: practice, practice, practice, game. The benefit of this is that it a) gives purpose for practice — the event is coming up soon, and we need to be prepared; b) bonds the class together against a common “foe”. (Granted, this dynamic later can/will be upended as they analyze the relationship between competition and collaboration.)

Graphic overview of the two six-week cycles of Foundation.

Graphic overview of the two six-week cycles of Foundation.