Synthesis was designed to nurture innovators at Elon Musk's Ad Astra school on the SpaceX campus.

Our cofounder Josh Dahn built that school with Elon. He designed Synthesis based on Elon's first principles approach to education: school should focus on solving problems.

Solving complex problems as a team is the world's most valuable skill. Synthesis teaches this skill through novel games and simulations. It is the school you wish you had growing up, a global "Ender's Game for Innovators."

Our mission is to accelerate human progress through education.

The industrial education system trains people to follow the rules in a dynamic world where the rules are constantly changing.

Blindly following the rules at best preserves the status quo. But we want a world with more innovation, more joy, more progress.

To get there, we need an education system that cultivates the collaborative problem solving skills and modes of thinking that drive progress.

Industrial era schools will not change, so we have to build the new system on the internet.